Today I wanted to share some quick, easy, and extremely helpful tips with all of you...
Thousands of diets exist out there and everyone has their own idea of what is a healthy way to eat, and the truth is there really is not one perfect diet. Each person has a unique body and needs a different variety of foods in order to reach optimal health. Dr. Mercola is a highly respected doctor and nutritionalist who has created a test that can help yo
u discover what you should be eating and when you should be eating it in order to maintain GREAT health. I HIGHLY recommend checking it out here...
It will take about 10 minutes of your time and will be totally worth it. You can also subscribe to Dr. Mercola's free e-newsletter that is chock full of helpful hints, warnings, and information you won't hear in mainstream news. Sign up here
My brother would probably call me a health nazi right now and I try not to push my health concerns on others but I care about my friends and family and want to see you all healthy!
Here is a new tasty breakfast recipe I tried this morning with my newfound love...QUINOA. It is the healthiest grain out there and full of protein. Give it a try..
Love this! And love you and your mom for making me think more carefully about the foods I put into my body. Great post!
ReplyDeleteI checked out the information! Very helpful. Not sure how much I could implement now but good to know for later in life. It is different living with a host family, but I love it all the same.
ReplyDeleteI love quinoa too! That recipe looks delish- may have to try!