2012......A New Year, new ideas, new opportunities, new hopes, dreams, and goals. 2011 was a rough year for me, full of physical and mental struggles, yet beautiful because of the work I know God did on me. I've been hammered and chiseled, and though I'm not even close to finished yet, I am new. My outlook on life is different. I believe God is at work in a big way all around me and in me and I look forward with great expectation and hope to this coming year. It's been reported that the sparkle is back in my eye. My passions and dreams took a backseat while I underwent some construction, but I'm happy to see them re-surfacing as I get healthy again. I plan to start blogging again more often to keep you-the lovely blogging world-updated on my crazy, beautiful, challenging, gluten free, egg free, sugar free, yet ever so delicious life! Thanks to those who have prayed with me and stuck with me through this hard season of my life. Here's to 2012!
*I'm looking forward to spending more time with my beautiful sister this year!*

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